Pediatricians Say: Stop Treating Fevers

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, parents should think twice before treating their kids every time they have a fever.  This is good news because a fever may be helping your child fight a virus and most viruses in kids will run its course without...

Neuropathy and Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic Neuropathy is a nerve disorder caused by diabetes or too much glucose in the blood.  Too much blood glucose can injure the walls of tiny blood vessels that nourish the nerves and cause nerve damage. Neuropathy affects nerves throughout the body and the...

Is There a Stomach Cure?

Correcting problems in the stomach can help improve your health.  You can improve your immune system, vision and memory by increasing stomach acid.  A common diagnosis of bloating, gas, indigestion and heartburn is too much acid in the stomach and antacids are used to...

Standard Process Cleanse

Standard Process Cleanse Did you know there are literally thousands of chemicals and toxins that are registered in the United States?  Hundreds of these chemicals are present in our bodies according to the Centers for Disease Control.    These toxins and chemicals can...