BodyTalk: Healthcare Designed by Your Body

BodyTalk is WholeHealthcare™

Lynn uses BodyTalk* to facilitate the interaction between the mind, body, and spirit, specifically the ways in which emotional, mental, social and spiritual factors together can directly affect health. She looks beneath the surface of symptoms to find the more fundamental causes for the conditions. This modality uses the latest in medical research including microbiomes and epigenetics.

She offers no diagnosis or prescription, just re-establishing communication between the brain and body so to speak. In a session, she uses neuromuscular biofeedback, which is similar to applied kinesiology. By understanding that your body has an inherent knowledge of itself, Lynn is able to quickly and easily ask your body what communication circuits have become compromised and in which order these lines of communication need to be re-established for the fastest possible healing process to occur (Priority Based Health Care). She then uses light tapping on the head and sternum to reestablish channels of communication within the body. In turn, this activates the brain and helps to facilitate the body’s own ability to restore and maintain its optimum health.

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In Person or Long Distance
(Long-Distance Session refers to the practice of caring for clients remotely when the practitioner and client are not physically present with each other.)
Distance Healing in the Time of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

*BodyTalk is an astonishingly simple and effective form of therapy that allows the body’s energy systems to be re-synchronized so they can operate as nature intended. Each system, cell and atom is in constant communication with each other at all times. Through exposure to the stresses of day-to-day life, however, these lines of communication can become compromised, which then leads to a decline in physical, emotional and/or mental well-being. Reconnecting these lines of communication enables the body’s mechanisms to function at optimal levels, thus preventing disease and rapidly accelerating the healing process. In this way, BodyTalk stimulates the body’s innate ability to balance and heal itself. BodyTalk can be used as a standalone system to treat many health problems or can be seamlessly integrated into any healthcare system to increase its effectiveness.

BodyTalk’s major assets are its simplicity, safety and the speed of its results. It is non-invasive and objective in application and works effectively on humans and animals alike. Even if a BodyTalk technique is performed incorrectly, it simply means that there will be no result or change. It will not make things worse. It follows, therefore, that anyone who receives BodyTalk has nothing to lose and everything to gain as far as his or her health is concerned.

More information regarding this modality may be found at the International BodyTalk Association (IBA).