Brain Drained?

Brain Drained?

How our senses may be key to addressing motor changes and cognitive decline such as Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Is your brain drained? Your nervous system’s main and most important goal is to keep you safe. It is constantly scanning the environment for signs of danger...
The Swiss Army Knife of Wellness

The Swiss Army Knife of Wellness

Do you have your tools? Are you familiar with a Swiss Army Knife?  This knife was invented in Switzerland in 1891 by an inventor named Karl Elsener. The knife is a pocket knife or multi-tool knife.  American Soldiers named it Swiss Army Knife during World War II...
Is your Brain’s GPS Operating Efficiently?

Is your Brain’s GPS Operating Efficiently?

Is your Brain’s GPS Operating Efficiently? Do You Move Well, Balance Well, See Well? Imagine that you’re driving to a new destination. A place you’ve never been before and you are solely relying on your Global Positioning System (GPS) in your car. Have you...

Brain Health

Have you ever heard we only use 10 percent of our brain power? This is a common myth believed by two-thirds of the population! This is a false assumption. While there may be moments, such as when we are at rest, that only a small portion of the brain is in use, we...