Diabetes and the Wound Care Industry

Wound care

Wound Care

I was recently invited to attend a wound care conference. Now, I am in the wellness and preventative health space so naturally I had to ask myself, “Am I in the wound care business?”  I clearly heard, “You are in the Diabetes business”’ and since Diabetics get wounds, it made sense to attend.  I went to share an evidence based research tool, WelllnessPro Plus, that could be used to speed up the wound healing process (see picture at bottom of blog).

The conference included leaders in the wound care industry ranging from Medical Doctors, Osteopathic Doctors and Podiatrists. I listened to their teachings as they shared case study after case study of very difficult wounds to heal where you, and the rest of the world, could see bone, cartilage, muscle etc. Wounds that took months (more than a year) to heal. 

I heard a case where a Diabetic lady had done something as simple as trim a callous on her foot.  It got infected, grew to where you could see bone, cartilage and muscle because the skin was literally being eaten away.  A very gifted wound care specialist provided care for nearly two months and started to see improvement.  One day, the patient went to her Primary Care Physician for a different health concern. He took one look at that wound and sent her to the ER where the ER doctor poked, prodded and cut at it. The problem is, the ER did not know how far the wound had positively progressed over two months and despite the patient saying she had a wound care specialist, the ER intervened and made the wound so angry they recommended amputation of the foot by the end of the day!  The patient asked for discharge papers and said, “I am going back to my wound care specialist!”  Do you realize this can happen so easily to ANYBODY? Afterall, they are supposed to be experts. Who is going to question?

I learned that the industry is left to itself from the rest of the medical community and there is no “standard” protocol.  The speakers shared how they often end up not only managing a patient’s wound care, but more often than not, their pain management as well.  Most other medical professionals see the wounds and immediately say “Not mine!” and pass the patient on to some other professional.  In a case we supported, a client’s legs were swelling and getting worse and the medical doctor in charge of care told them to “keep an eye on it and if any of those blisters break, get back to us immediately.”  Basically the advice was, wait until it gets worse. Where is the prevention and support to help it heal and not get worse?  This is where our office can support with tools such as the WellnessPro Plus, FLOWpresso lymphatic suit, nutrition and hydration.

Here is what I learned.  If you need to trim your toenails or clip a callous, treat yourself to a pedicure with a licensed professional manicurist/pedicurist.  They will have sterilized tools to properly keep things clean.  If you already have a wound, require your doctor to send you to a person who specializes in wound care. And here are a few other tips that I teach and had confirmed for me by the wound care specialists at the conference.

  1. Make sure the wound is well-hydrated; Inside and out and that means drink good quality water as well.
  2. Make sure your digestion is working and you are getting proper nutrients; minerals and vitamins to the body to allow healing. In some cases, a person’s circulation may be off and that will provide difficulty in getting nutrients to the wound site. If you are already there and can not prevent this, use a tool like the WellnessPro Plus to get circulation moving and allow healing of muscles, ligaments and tendons at the cellular level.
  3. Support the wound with healing by improving positive polarity.  Positive polarity of micro-current will heal at the cellular level where all tissue comes from and the WellnessPro Plus can support this process.
  4. Get moving! Get the body moving which allows body systems to circulate if you will and get the junk out. These experts are also considering tools for lymphatic drainage, to get the garbage out of the body. They were quite interested in lymphatic tools like we recommend and provide in our office; FLOWpresso.

Use the form below to contact our office today for session pricing on the support tools referenced above or call us 972-712-0892

WellnessPro Plus Wound Care Before & After Pictures

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