What Is The Ketogenic Diet?

A ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet.Ketogenic Diet Keto 101

“A keto or ketogenic diet,” described by Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, a Swedish doctor specializing in family medicine, “is a very low-carb diet, which turns the body into a fat-burning machine. It has many proven benefits for weight loss, health, and performance…”

Ketones are small molecules produced in the liver and used as fuel throughout the body.

“On a ketogenic diet,” Dr. Eenfeldt writes, “your entire body switches its fuel supply to run almost entirely on fat. Insulin levels become very low, and fat burning increases dramatically. It becomes easy to access your fat stores to burn them off. This is obviously great if you’re trying to lose weight, but there are also other less obvious benefits, such as less hunger and a steady supply of energy.”

If you’d like to learn more about the Ketogenic Diet join us on Thursday, January 3rd at 8:00 pm CST, for a free webinar. We will explore some of the benefits of a ketogenic diet in detail. We will also provide the tools to help get you started on your way to healthy living.

Why This Is A Must Attend…

Do you want to experience improved mental focus and clarity, an unlimited flow of energy, appetite control, assist in abdominal fat loss, decreased inflammation, decrease in arthritic pain and increased fat burning?

Our goal with this webinar is to discuss how a ketogenic diet can benefit your life by aiding in weight loss, appetite suppression, and by reducing the risk of dangerous afflictions like Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Disease.

The Ketogenic Diet has taken the world by storm and the reason for the growing popularity of this lifestyle are the results people are able to achieve without making any compromises. During our time together we will explain the ketogenic diet, help you determine if it is right, and get you started.

Hosted by: Lynn & Keith Morales

Outside Of Answering Your Questions, Here Are The Topics We Will Cover:

We will share the necessary steps you’ll need to take to start living a ketogenic lifestyle, including food lists and recipes to get you started. In particular, you will learn the following…

-Definition of a ketogenic diet
-What keto is NOT
-How keto improves health
-Different styles of keto
-Basic food guide of what to eat (and what not to eat) on a ketogenic diet.
-Simple keto recipes for your first few weeks.
-How to get started immediately!

The prospect of making major life changes can be overwhelming, but we are here to help you along your path.

Please join us and consider inviting others who you think could benefit from our webinar, Keto 101.

We Can’t Wait to Share With You on Thursday, January 3rd at 8:00 pm CST!

Register Now

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