Is your environment, physical and/or emotional, impacting your health?

Epigenetics might be the answer

The latest in scientific research is identifying how environmental factors can modify how our genes are expressed. The study of this is known as epigenetics. Let’s be sure not to confuse genetics with epigenetics.

Psychobiologist, Robert Lickliter, PhD. wrote: The study of epigenetics is …

  • How gene expression changes during cell differentiation AND…
  • How environmental factors can modify how our genes are expressed

Genetics are an inherited predisposition from our biological ancestors. They represent the master blueprint, are stable and identical in every cell of the body. Genetics are IN the genetic code and carry on our traits through generations. It’s what our parents and other ancestors pass on to us.

Epigenetics shows incredible adaptability, flexibility, and is very much impacted by lifestyle. How our daily life experiences, stressors, active memories and biochemical priorities influence our health. Not just our health, but the health of our great-great-grandchildren!

Epigenetics are ON the genetic code and can be turned on and off like a light switch for lack of a better term. And for those of you wondering how this works if you were adopted, even your parents that adopted you had the opportunity to influence your epigenetics through the environment in which you were raised.

Our physiology can get locked into imbalance. It’s similar to when a client says to me “…and once that happened, this problem started and never went away.” What are Epigenetic locks you might be asking? Epigenetic locks look like the following:

  • Diet deficiencies or bad habits
  • Seasonal correlation concerns
  • Disease exposure
  • Toxic chemical exposure
  • Drugs or abuse
  • Financial status
  • Exercise deficiencies
  • Microbiome imbalances (see prior blogs on microbiome)
  • Therapeutic drugs
  • Alternative medicine
  • Social interactions
  • Psychological state

What does an imbalance look like in the body? It looks like dis-ease or disharmony. Any disease is possible, but consider this statistic.

NCI breast cancer statistics indicate that genetics have 5-10% to do with creating the disease in the body, but 90-95% is actually created by your epigenetic makeup.

This is an amazing discovery by our scientists.

So what does all this mean for you? Consider the 12 factors earlier in this article. If you have a serious disharmony in your body and you believe that one or more of those 12 factors previously mentioned have a role in your history, then epigenetics is a very important topic for you to explore.

Learn how, together, we can explore and unlock, in a noninvasive way, lifestyle influences and your epigenetic locks for the benefit of yourself and your children. Don’t delay, call to set up your customized epigenetics session.