It seems like everywhere you turn many people suffer from any number of stomach and digestive disorders.  And if you watch television, there will be even more options than you can imagine to help you through the discomfort.  I am not totally against the options you might see on TV, but I will say that your solution may be simpler then you know.

Digestive disorders include Heartburn, Gastritis, Stomach Ulcers, Diverticulitis, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Chronic Constipation and Diarrhea.

The digestive system stores neuropeptides – the same molecules that make up your brain – except we have ten times more of them in the body than in the brain!

By using a technique called Active Memory, BodyTalk is especially successful at retrieving and neutralizing the thoughts and emotions from the gut that have become pathologies.  The consciousness of the large intestine relates to the idea of letting go of the past, e.g., old resentments, trauma, or former relationships.

Environmental factors affect the internal chemistry of your digestive system.  Stress relating to your boss, mother, son or husband directly affects the intestinal lining of your digestive tract, minimizing the absorption of vital nutrients.

BodyTalk teaches the body to produce its own digestive enzymes and regulate its stomach acids in order to assimilate foods within the small intestine that previously caused harm or discomfort.

BodyTalk is a holistic form of therapy that recognizes the interrelationships within the body/mind and works to achieve balance and healthy communication among all body systems.

“All disease has emotional, psychological, spiritual, nutritional, and physical dimensions, each of which plays a distinct role.” – Christiane Northrup, M.D.

The BodyTalk System™ is a form of natural healthcare that can be used as a stand-alone system, and also integrated with any other modality in health and preventive care.  It recognizes and addresses all sides of the human being:  physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, hereditary, and environmental.

BodyTalk is a simple, effective, and non-invasive method that makes use of the body’s innate healing powers.  Communication is restored among all the parts of the body, and then reinforced by light tapping on the head and chest.  Schedule your BodyTalk appointment today.