The Clock Continues: Stomach Time 7 AM – 9 AM

In my prior article titled, “Is Your Hose Kinked?” I referenced the 24-hour body clock. If you missed this article click on the link provided. I have been sharing details about your internal clock that carries out specific tasks within the body at the same time every day. Almost like your body’s “in-box” of daily routines. And, like your day at your home or the office, your body may have an emergency or two that gets thrown in. Something you didn’t plan. This emergency could simply be a food you are allergic to such as dairy. Your body still needs to work on its regularly scheduled daily task, but eating the wrong foods or food you have an intolerance to may cause your body to have to go deal with that “emergency” instead of completing the scheduled task. This is how blockages, build-ups and stagnation can cause an organ’s meridian pathway to be clogged. This can lead to a host of issues.

The stomach holds position number 3 in the body clock which means that the clock starts each day at 3 AM with the lungs and then passes the baton to the large intestine at 5 AM and then on to the stomach at 7 AM to allow it to complete its daily tasks.

From 7 AM – 9 AM, your body is cleansing the stomach. This is when the organ has the strongest energy for the entire day. It also happens to be the best time of day to eat your largest meal. When that energy is not flowing, you may find that you are not able to wake up easily or you are a slow starter. You may find that you feel you don’t have much of an appetite.

The stomach has a number of functions including:

  • Breaking down food and thoughts
  • Gives strength to the body and limbs
  • Keeps food and emotions moving down
  • Generates worry to allow conscious thought

Often the following symptoms may accompany a stomach that is not balanced:

  • Pain in the eyes, nosebleeds, swelling of the neck, facial paralysis, weak legs
  • Pain in the upper abdomen, diminished taste, loose stool
  • Low appetite, thirsty but can’t drink, irregular eating patterns
  • Anxiety, worry, depression, instability, doubt, suspicions, mania, difficulty assimilating ideas

There are a number of ways to address an imbalance in the stomach such as exercises like Yoga or Tai Chi. Since the stomach helps to generate worry, it is a good idea to manage stressful events while eating. Many families choose to watch television while they eat. If you choose to do that, consider not watching the news or other worrisome programming. Choose comedy or something more soothing.

So maybe you are thinking, “I have low energy multiple times a day, not just during 7 am – 9 am?” Don’t worry. We are continuing this series so rest assured we are going to cover the other organs in the body. However, if you have low energy during other times of the day, it could be a food intolerance or adrenal stress. Pinpointing if this happens after you eat is a good indication of a food intolerance. If not, suspect adrenal stress in which case you could benefit greatly from my prior video release called the Tahiti Vacation Relaxation Technique.

Another way to address energy imbalances is through BodyTalk, a modality I use in my practice. A BodyTalk session can be done in person or remotely (over the phone or live video conference such as Zoom). Learn more about BodyTalk and schedule a session.


The Clock Continues Series:

Is Your Hose Kinked? Introduction to series: Lung Time 3AM to 5AM

The Clock Continues: Large Intestine Time 5 AM – 7 AM

The Clock Continues: Stomach Time: 7 AM – 9 AM

The Clock Continues: Spleen/Pancreas Time: 9 AM – 11 AM

The Clock Continues: Heart Time 11 AM – 1 PM

The Clock Continues: Small Intestine Time 1 PM – 3 PM

The Clock Continues: Bladder Time 3 PM – 5 PM

The Clock Continues: Kidney Time 5 PM – 7 PM

The Clock Continues: Pericardium 7 PM – 9 PM

The Clock Continues: Triple Heater 9 PM – 11 PM

The Clock Continues: Gallbladder 11 PM – 1 AM

The Clock Ends…Finally: Liver 1 AM – 3 AM