Brain Need a Re-Boot? Reboot the Brain

Everyday Wellness in Ten Minutes

Did you know that your body has innate wisdom to help you function each day?  It looks like this; your body heals after surgery or cutting your finger, your immune system supports you through colds and flu and you don’t even need to tell it what to do.  How would you like to re-boot your brain?  Read on…

Your brain often cannot perform its everyday maintenance duties because it may have too many stressors hitting it.  How many people do you know that deal with stress at work or home, traffic stress, emotional stress?  These are just a few items, but imagine adding in holiday stress, financial stress, or illness of a loved one.  Consider items like the telephone, cell phone, text messaging, email, instant messenger and social media outlets all vying for your attention.  I don’t know about you, but just the mention of these things can make one tired and exhausted.  That is an example of an average day and what your brain is facing.

There are so many stimuli coming into our mind/body that our brain is not always able to see the forest through the trees. It is days like these that cold/flu, sprained ankles, headaches, dizziness, allergies etc., set in or are more prone to attack the body.  It’s not that these issues would not normally have happened, but it is your body’s ability to respond that makes the difference.

What about the occasional sprain on the soccer field or while hiking.  A health issue can surface at any time and in any situation.  Are you ready?  What about if disaster strikes and finding a medical professional is difficult?

Your body has an innate ability to heal but, often through the everyday stressors of life the body loses its ability to do this. It can be taught how to “turn it’s healing process back on” when a health crisis hits just by knowing how to reactivate your brain to focus on the ailment.  Learn how to “tap out” your Cortices to help re-boot your brain.

What if you could provide your body support to enhance all body systems for further reinforcement?  Look no further, you only need a six-hour course called; BodyTalk Access.  This course is designed for the layperson that wants to address self and family health care. It is also great for teachers to focus students, coaches for sports performance and for maintenance of health such as structural body realignment to avoid the occasional ache or muscle pain.   Support your immune system when the ailments of winter or back to school/work immune stressors hit.  How about an amazing Fast Aid technique that could assist you in time of need regardless of the circumstances.

To learn the tools necessary to bring healing and maintenance to your body in brain balancing, stress balancing, hydration, body chemistry (microbes, allergies, intolerances) and structural rebalancing not to mention an amazing Fast Aid technique for those moments when accidents happen, BodyTalk Access is the class for you.

Enroll in the next BodyTalk Access Class NOW!


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